Ester Eleven
Chapter 2
Gnomen 51 – DIARY: Sunday, July 24, 2005; Tamuz 17,
5765; Kingdom of the Giraffe 5, 3958; Inzago: School.
We studied the 8th commandment, ‘do not steal’. I
spoke too of the Correction completion of the Reform
in Judaism. Anna completed the revision of Ester 4. At
Napoli, some said that they saw the Madonna become
flesh, a sign that the Logos has touched ground and
decrees will descend. At the same time Simon ben
Loulou (the correct name of him to whom I sent the
letter placed in Ester Ten) says that the din against
me is Tzoa roteah, boiling excrements, hhass
ve-shalom, because we follow the teaching of Rav
ElGafeh against the false kabbalah of the Zohar.
gnomen 52 – Note that if someone speaks against the
Torah, this hardly upsets the lovers of the Zohar. It
is only when you speak about the Zohar and the
kabalistic chain that followed that they become
scandalized, angry, arrogant and filled with curses.
It is similar to certain catholics; if you speak to
them against belief in the Trinity or the Deification
of Jesus, they don’t get upset. They do not agree with
you and that’s it. But if you speak to them against
the cult to the Virgin Mary, this they cannot support
and it makes them angry as if you had cursed their
mother. The idolatrous Logos and the idolatrous
doctrine of Emanation are touching the point of their
culmination so that judgment against them be completed
in the world.
gnomen 53 – Put this together with the very difficult
Correction of Jewish arrogance and ‘pure blood’ etc.
and look at the words of this Zohar lover:
Your arrogance belies your incredible lack of
knowledge. If you want to educate yourself, go to
Moshe millers site where he dispels so much of the
misinformation regarding the Zohar. Please don’t
invoke the name of The gaon, the baal shem or the
malbim in conjunction with yourself or your false
prophet. The aforementioned gedolim ((greats of the
Torah)) would not qualify you as even being kasher
ledut ((able to give testimony)). You all are malign
on divrei chachamim ((the words of the Sages)) and
your din ((judgment)) is tzeah rotachat ((boiling
You have no emunah ((faith)) in the hashgahcha
((Providence)) of klal Yisrael ((all Israel))
refer((ing)) to the statement of Hillelim lo neveim
hem, bnei neveim hem” (assuming of course the
unlikely, that you ever learned any Gemarra).
If anything will get burned beahrit hayamim ((the End
of Days), it’s the copies of your uneducated rabbi’s
book and any memory of his impunity.
gnomen 54 – He obvious wanted to write impurity but by
mistake he wrote impunity. 
Why doesn’t he read Sefer Milhhamot Ha-Shem and if he
has what to say let him answer to what is being said.
He’s only able to throw around names and spit out
curses, never answering the true question, namely,
who ever permitted such a doctrine of Emanation in
the first place’? The Sage and true Hhacham of the
very exalted Yemenite Tradition, Yihhye ibn Shlomoh
ElGafeh, brings all his proofs from the Torah and from
the Tradition of the Sages of Israel. He has not
invented an opinion of his own. He too was scathed by
the rebuke of the kabbalists in Jerusalem who went to
the cemetery barefoot and put ash on their foreheads
but they refused to study the book. 
gnomen 55 – They yelled and cried and cursed the demon
for the terrible blasphemous sin committed to stand up
against the Zohar but they answered to none of the
pertinent questions asked by Rav ElGafeh all on the
basis of Torah and Tradition, Talmud and Poskim. 
Look at the vulgar crudeness of his foolish anger. See
how he puts himself high and lowers the Hhacham
ElGafeh. See how he tries to demonstrate his own level
of study and how he tries to knock me down with
accusations of ignorance. Notice how his kabbalah
mysticism exonerates him from all derech eretz, but it
is obvious from everything he says that he has never
received derech eretz and doesn’t even know what it’s
gnomen 56 – His anger is similar to psychic trauma.
The thought that the Zohar and 400 years of kabbalah
are false smatters the glass castles that permeate
him. If Rav ElGafeh’s book is true, his entire inner
life is shattered to pieces. He has no faith to stand
on if all this kabbalah is based on an idolatrous
doctrine no better than Buddhism. Poor fellow, he
believes in all that kabbalah and if you take it away
from him, you have destroyed his foundations. With the
help of his Rav Nahhman he claims (in his first
letter) that the Torah will not be forgotten because
the Zohar of R. Shimon ben Yohhai exists. This is pure
foolishness. Jews have been studying Torah throughout
the centuries without the Zohar and without mysticism.
gnomen 57 – Were they then without Torah all those who
have studied the Torah and Prophets, the Talmud and
Mishnah, the Poskim and the Mishnah Torah? It is the
idolatrous prostitute of the Zohar that has misguided
and distorted all normative and normal Judaism for the
last 400 years. The Zohar has become the Queen and the
Torah her Maid-Servant. If you destroy his Queen, you
destroy his kingdom, Maid-Servants included. 
The truth is that one’s relationship to the Torah
relates to a true bond formed on a true basis. If
someone says that he does not believe in Bereishit
bara Elohim et ha-shamaim ve-et ha-aretz, you may
dislike what he says but most likely you will simply
have pity on him, especially if he is Jewish. 
gnomen 58 – It will not shatter you. It will not make
you lose your bearing. You will feel no walls breaking
down inside you. You will not feel yourself bereaved
of the foundation of your life. Indeed, it will not
touch you at all, except, as said, for pity or for a
sadness to the probable judgment of someone who denies
the Torah. You will not feel yourself jeopardized by
his attitude so that you must defend yourself. There
are, unfortunately, Jews who do not believe in the
Torah. Nothing new. But more than this you do not feel
in any way that the Torah is ‘jeopardized’  because
this fellow doesn’t believe in it. If your belief is
solidly in the Torah, you know that the Torah can well
defend itself without you. It is holy and eternal. And
the punishment of those who do not believe is that
gnomen 59 – It is the inherent fragility of a
metaphysical doctrine not mentioned in the Torah or
Prophets, or in the Talmud and Mishnah, or in the
Poskim or in the Mishnah Torah, or in Rashi etc. that
creates the need to defend it. It has no true legs to
stand on because it is not rooted in the Torah given
by God to Israel. Its false legs, however, have
stepped into Ben Loulou’s being, building up great big
Glass Castles. If the Doctrine of Emanation is false,
all his Glass Castles will be smashed to pieces in an
instant, and that faith, having no true basis, will be
pulverized and scattered to the wind. 
gnomen 60 - Therefore is he so angry. The true Torah
is not in him and he therefore doesn’t know the true
security of its truth. Inside he is filled with glass
castles that will crumble when you demonstrate that
they are built on sand and have no foundation. They
have taken over and become part of his whole being and
if they have no foundation he too will crumble and
remain without the existence of his own construction,
his inner life and thought and belief. Ben Loulou is
not conscious of the fear to lose himself. It is,
however, the psychological substance that alarms his
defense mechanisms into protecting his castles from
gnomen 61 - So it is in the case of every doctrine of
faith which deviates from the truth of God’s Oneness,
great glass castles are created. And few are strong
enough to affront any contradiction to its veracity
with neutral judgment. The falsehood inherent in a
false doctrine of the faith creates the fear of the
enemy’ who wants to break it down. We can understand
this better from the eschatological fear of the
Anti-Christ who accepts Christ as a man but who denies
his Divinity. Those of us who have the good fortune to
know the truth of God’s Oneness can easily understand
the origin of that apocalyptic vision. 
gnomen 62 – It is itself the falsehood of all
Christian theology, the Logos, the Trinity, the
Deification of Jesus, that foresees, in truth, its own
destruction. It thus envisions its destroyer and in
order to save itself orders the destruction of the
destroyer. If the Divinity of Christ is true, the
Anti-Christ must be destroyed, otherwise the deified
Christ would be destroyed. But what happens if the
Divinity of Christ is false? It is then the
Anti-Christ who is telling the truth and who is
justified in waging war against the Divinity of
Christ. And yet Christians, especially Protestants,
retain the fear of that Anti-Christ who comes to
destroy Christ’s Divinity. 
gnomen 63 – The Divinity of Christ must be staunchly
defended and the Anti-Christ must be destroyed;
otherwise all Traditional theological Christianity
will fall; and if theological Christianity falls all
Christianity falls. For Christianity and its basic
Trinitarian Theology has become one and the same
thing. Since, however, the Trinitarian theology is
false and has no basis, the Anti-Christ is a true
hero. He is the positive force of truth that breaks
down the glass castles of all Christian theology. It
is the basic weakness of Christianity’s false
doctrines that makes it vulnerable and frightened of
an Anti-Christ. 
gnomen 64 – Is there any fear on the part of the
Jewish people of an Anti-God? No such fear exists. Is
it God who needs to be defended and protected from the
Nimrods and Pharaohs of every epoch? He is the Creator
of all existence and Satan himself is only an angel
created by God. No such an idea exists in Judaism nor
does Israel see itself as those who must defend their
God from an Anti-God. For there is no weakness in God
to make Him vulnerable to the plights of mankind. Nor
is there any weakness in the Holy Torah to render it
vulnerable to the whims of false interpreters. The
Torah remains in time and all false interpretations
will vanish in the end. 
gnomen 65 – The idolatrous doctrine of Emanation,
however, must be staunchly defended by its adherents.
The very fiber of the falsified Judaism to which they
have become accustomed has come to represent for them
true Judaism. It is not true Torah Judaism that
represents for them true Judaism. It is a prostitute
with whom they have fallen in love because of her
great cunning, presenting herself as a virtuous Queen
of Heaven who teaches her lovers the Secrets of the
Inner Torah. It is her intention that the true Torah
be forgotten from Israel, God forbid. 
gnomen 66 -  And that’s why Ben Loulou cannot read and
study Sefer Milhhamot Ha-Shem. This sefer represents
true Torah and it destroys hundreds of years of a very
foolish infatuation with a cunning prostitute created
by Moses de Leon. To study this text with true Torah
neutrality means breaking down thousands of glass
castles that Ben Loulou believes are true
We look o’er the brink and await the new dawn. We
cover our nudity with fig leaves and await our
forgiveness. For ‘His thoughts are not our thoughts
and His ways are not our ways’. There is a propitious
moment of His forgiveness as it states ‘for I will
forgive their iniquity and their sin will I mention no
gnomen 67 – From the destruction of the second Temple
áòååðåú äøáéí there has been no true sanctification
except for the hidden sanctification of the 36 Hidden
Tzadikim in every generation. Those of that elevated
sanctity who have known of the error of the Zohar
could not speak or write about. Not all of them knew
but at least the Head of the 36 Hidden Tzadikim in
every generation for the last 400 years or so knew of
the great mistake that had taken hold of Israel but
they had no permission to speak. The Tzadik Haim, the
last Head of the 36 Hidden Tzadikim, lived through the
time of the Holocaust and, as he revealed to us, the
Hidden Tzadikim knew of the decree but there was no
permission to enter. It was a decree from God
Almighty. No one can enter.
gnomen 68 – Loulou and his likes cannot fathom the
seeming impossibility that such greats as the Vilna
Gaon, the Maharal of Prague, the Ari, Haim Vital, the
Baal Shem Tov, Rav Nahhman and many, many other
talmidei Hachamim, could have fallen into a terrible
idolatrous mistake. And he thinks that whoever speaks
against the Zohar and the consequent chain of the
kabbalah will have to answer to these holy Sages and
it is as if belittling them, hhalila ve-hass. They do
not yet know that those Hachamim, even though their
Torah knowledge was immense and they walked in the
sanctity of the halacha, were not in any way close to
the level of the Higher Sanctity of the 36 Hidden
Tzadikim. This is indeed a new category of
understanding revealed with the Final Redemption.
gnomen 69 – This fact, that the 36 Hidden Tzadikim
were of an entirely separated level compared to all
other talmidei Hachamim was an integral part of my
formation with the Tzadik Haim. At first he had to
break me away from the Rebbe worship of Habad.
Obviously all the Rebbes, of Habad and of the other
Hasidic movements, were talmidei Hachamim who walked
and meditated on the Torah day and night. This had
absolutely nothing to do with the fact that they had
absolutely nothing to do with the Higher Sanctity of
the 36 Hidden Tzadikim. The Tzadik Haim took me
through all the hurdles of this knowledge unknown to
gnomen 70 – That study was necessary in order that I
understand with whom I was walking. Also the Tzadik
Haim knew the entire Talmud by heart and so too he
knew the entire gamut of the halacha. This, however,
had not to do with his being a Hidden Tzadik. That
knowledge of knowing the Torah, Talmud, Poskim etc.
etc. was of itself for all Israel. For even though
there are relatively few who reach such a knowledge,
that knowledge itself is accessible to all, if they
are reasonably intelligent. It is a question of having
the good fortune to know of it, desire it, and to have
the Rav to learn it from. 
gnomen 71 – Not so the true Hidden Kabbalah of the 36
Hidden Tzadikim. As said, they know as well all the
revealed Tradition, the written and the oral Torah,
but the Hidden Kabbalah are hidden secrets of the
world and are completely detached from any other
study. They are not given in books and it is
prohibited to speak about or to write them. For they
are in the category of the hochmat ha-shamaim (the
Wisdom of Heaven) which is distinct from hochmat
ha-aretz (the Wisdom of the earth). 
gnomen 72 – Even to the talmid of each Tzadik, the
secrets’ are not taught verbally except in the form
of roshei prakim (lit. the heads of chapters). The
main work of the Hidden Tzadik with his pupil is to
prepare him in every way to enter into the ‘Sanctity
of the Ascent’. Once the pupil is in that Ascent,
then, with permission from his Moreh, he will learn
the secrets as he makes progress in his Ascent. The 36
Hidden Tzadikim have been the Pillars of the world
from the time of Mordechai ha-Tzadik until the Tzadik
Haim. They have actually held the world in existence.
The solidity of the world’s foundations were upon
them, as it states ‘the Tzadik is the foundation of
the world’.
gnomen 73 – They walk in their perfection constantly,
protected by the Higher Sanctity upon them. They are
above the temptations of the Yetzer ha-Ra. Their every
step is a binding between the heavens and the earth.
They see and speak to angels. They see and speak to
the Ruah of the defunct if they so desire. Their
knowledge is the category of ‘nistarot’ (hidden
things), as it states, ‘the hidden things (nistarot)
are to the Lord, our God, and the revealed things
(niglot) are for us and for our children for always’.
God Almighty selects those whom He desires to receive
those hidden secrets, as it states, ‘the secret of God
is to those that fear Him’.
gnomen 74 – The Tzadik Haim taught me to not be
confused with the levels of those who have become
known’ as Tzadikim and Kedoshim and Gaonim because of
their immense and profound knowledge of the Torah.
Nothing is to be lessened from them but one must not
confuse them with the levels of the Hidden and
Suffering Tzadikim of the Ascent. They are two
completely different worlds. There is no comparison
between them. One is of the level of the heavens and
the other is of the level of the earth. This too was
secret and I had no permission to reveal it. The
requisites of the Final Redemption changed that no permission into
an obligation.
gnomen 75 – It thus became easy for me not to consider
the levels of the Gaon from Vilna, the Baal Shem Tov
and the many well known Torah scholars especially of
the past 400 years, as being exempt from the error of
the idolatrous yet subtle doctrine of Emanation taught
by the Zohar. The Tzadik Haim told me that Moses de
Leon had written the Zohar, for money, and that it
contained a terrible mistake into which all had
fallen, even great Torah scholars and Gaonim etc. He
did not want to enter into the details of that false
theology and said that I would be able to study the
details when we would have a copy of the sefer
Milhhamot HaShem of Yihhye ibn Shlomoh ElGafeh from
Sana Yemen. 
gnomen 76 – It took ten years before David Levi was
able to find it, by a miracle, and brought it to the
Tzadik Haim while he was still in the Hospital after
his first operation. Little did I understand then of
the redemptional obligation I would have afterwards
regarding the Five Tablets of the Pact and the Hherem
mi-Deoraita which come as supplements to the sefer
Milhhamot HaShem of Rav ElGafeh. This book was a
necessity for the Jewish people of the Torah. In this
matter it was not sufficient that I simply say, “The
Zohar is idolatrous and false and so is this testified
to by the Hidden Tzadik Haim who has been chosen by
God Almighty as the Final Goel”.
gnomen 77 – For sure this would be sufficient for the
great majority of Jews if they believe in all the
Marvelous News of the FR. The Tzadik Haim has been
chosen by God and every word of his is true and is to
be received and studied. Most people will need not go
beyond this and they will detach themselves completely
from the entire gamut of that false kabbalah. The
question, however, required that a true Hacham of
Torah, not one of the Hidden Tzadikim, explain the
true halacha concerning the faith in the Oneness of
God, and that he demonstrate from the sources of the
halacha that the belief in the doctrine of Emanation
is diametrically opposed to the pure monotheistic
faith in which all Israel is commanded. 
gnomen 78 – This text had to exist for the sake of the
talmidei hachamim and rabbis so that they might see
the question from the true and undisputable proofs
brought from the words of the Sages in the Mishnah and
Talmud, from the Poskim and the Mishnah Torah, the
Guide for the Perplexed (Moreh Nevuchim) etc. All
those who had fallen fell because the true halacha
concerning the doctrine of Emanation was unknown nor
had it ever been formulated. The prophetic words of
Moshe rabbeinu explain it, ‘new gods come recently,
their fathers could not evaluate them’ – a doctrine
with a new terminology unknown to the sages of the
past for which reason they were unable to evaluate it.
gnomen 79 – Ben Loulou in his foolish arrogance and
thick ignorance of the way of Torah demeans the Hacham
ElGafeh and calls him a false prophet and proclaims in
profound stupidity that Rav ElGafeh would not be able
to understand even one line of the Vilna Gaon’s
commentary on Safra d’Tzniuta. Tell me why he should
not be able to understand it? Was it written for
talmidei Hachamim or was it written for angels?! And
if it were written for angels and therefore cannot be
understood by human talmidei Hachamim, it is most
certainly not Torah! “All this is false”, would say
the Tzadik Haim, “the true secrets of the Torah can
never be written in books. And this is the greatest of
all proofs that everything written in their books are
not true secrets and are not true kabbalah”.
gnomen 80 – Ben Loulou says that except for Rav Haim
Vital, the other talmidim, who were all talmidei
Hachamim, did not understand the Ari. Perhaps the Ari
should have called some Jesuits to Tzphat and they
would have better understood him. But the Torah is not
in heaven, explains Moshe rabbeinu, so that one must
arise to heaven to take hold of it. Previously it had
been in heaven and Moshe rabbeinu brought it down to
earth, laws and statutes and every word of the Holy
Torah. But new gods come recently are hard to
understand. They are in fact so complex that only the
Hhartumei Mitzraim would be able to comprehend them. 
gnomen 81 – For whom then was all this mysticism
intended, for the field mice or for only a few
Initiated individuals called by the  field mice
Tzadikim. Therefore have I been given  by the grace of
God and for the love of the true Hidden Tzadik, Haim
ben Moshe of Sana Yemen, Head of the 36 Hidden
Tzadikim of his generation, who after his great
suffering was chosen by God Almighty as the Final Goel
of Israel and of the world, to know the truth of the
36 Hidden Tzadikim and of having the obligation of
explaining this matter to all Israel. The true 36
Hidden Tzadikim of every generation have the true
Hidden Kabbalah and they have nothing whatsoever to do
with all the mystical rubbish that has emanated from
the Zohar. 
gnomen 82 – Ben Loulou, as thousands of unfortunate
cases such as he, wants to feel himself part of the
higher echelon Kabalistic Judaism which reveals the
secrets of the Torah. True things don’t work like
that. It’s a great illusion. That so-called kabbalah
is the true Erev Rav of this generation. It is the
Great Mixture. It has taken elements from Metaphysics,
together with the Zohar’s new Doctrine of Emanation,
together with a reinterpretation of the words of 
Torah and Tradition creating with them a Ladder of
Four Worlds the head of which reaches the heavens
(Atzilut) and the feet of which reaches the Kabbalists
and Hasidic Rebbes so that they be adored by their
gnomen 83 – So have its toes created the false
messianic movement of Habad, a Messiah so enlightened
by the Divine world of Atzilut that he himself has
become ‘omnipotent’ and to him one must make his
requests. This is only a manifested form of the latent
idolatry which permeates the Emanation Trap. It has
nothing to do with the truth. When the hidden
prostitute of its essence, the placing of other gods
before Him, is revealed, all those millions of words
of their books are as offers to the Virgin Mary.
Hog-wash has a purpose but the Erev Rav, fallen into
the scheme of the Last Golden Calf of History, throws
these innocent and unknowing souls into the sin-vortex
of this Fourth Generation. 
gnomen 84 – They believe they are being fed on the
secrets of the higher worlds’. They believe they are
reaching high levels. They think that they are the
privileged ones who contemplate the Torah in the Light
of Emanation. They become extremely religious and as
they do so they look down at all others who do not
involve themselves with Kabbalah or Hassidut. But when
the prostitute is revealed, the Virgin Mary is
recognized as an idolatrous cult which impedes the
true Redemption. The Logos is destroyed when its false
and idolatrous foundation is revealed. 
gnomen 85 – The Trinity becomes child-play before
Abraham’s smashing of his father’s idols. Even small
children will recognize its idolatrous falsehood and
smash away its foolish contradiction. The Zohar and
its Emanation doctrine will be hated by every Jew and
recognized as the worst spiritual calamity that has
ever befallen Israel, the most terrible historical
realization of the Golden Calf that turned Israel away
from its true course in the 400 years of Ahrit
ha-Yomim before the Shoa. Then the Ten Emanated
Sephirot of the false kabbalah will be smashed to
pieces by all Israel and Israel will return to ‘tamim
teheye im ha-Shem Elohecha’ – be of a simple heart
with the Lord, your God. 
gnomen 86 – For there is a propitious moment when the
Lord, our God, will forgive our iniquity and no longer
mention our sin, after Israel will have received the
Message of the Goel Haim of the great purification of
Israel in its burning out all traces of the Zohar and
the false Kabbalah, as Moshe rabbeinu burnt the golden
calf and totally pulverized it in his time. It is
coming and it will be so, for as the truth that God
Almighty has chosen the Tzadik Haim as the Final Goel,
so is it true that all the false kabbalah of the Zohar
and the false kabbalah that followed it will be
consciously destroyed by all Israel, understood and
rejected by all Israel, hated and despised by all
Israel. Then the Lord, our God will forgive our
iniquity and no longer mention our sin. Amen. 
gnomen 87 – We fell in the darkness of galut. We fell
in our desire to rise above the worldly plights and
anguished circumstances of our mundane existence. We
wanted to delve into a higher illumination. Perhaps we
were even jealous of the ‘Men of the Ascent’. We
sought redemption. We tried to walk in the way of the
Holy Torah but so had it always been and it had not
yet redeemed us from the bitterness of exile. We
prayed for redemption and the coming of the Mashiah
and we sought a higher light from God to bring us to
our true existence as God’s chosen people. We became
tired with waiting and we sought a light that would
hasten the end time, the ketz.
gnomen 88 – Ours was to rely on the Lord, our God, for
He had promised it and He maintains His promises. But
we were of kotzer ruah, an impatient spirit that in
its impatience forgets to distinguish. And the
darkness of exile shortened our vision and the
smallest light shone in our eyes as a mountain of
fire. For we were in truth unaccustomed to light and
unacquainted with the forces of the spirit. We sought
the ketz and the light revealed a messianic vision;
the words were delicious and pleasing to the senses
and enlightening to the intellect. “Where does this
exquisite fruit come from”, we asked. “It’s a ‘secret’
”, answered the Serpent, “It was written thirteen
centuries ago by the great Tana Shimon ben Yohhai.
gnomen 89 – Just partake of it and your eyes will be
opened and you will be as gods who know good and evil.
- But the Zohar did not bring the redemption; it
brought Israel to its Shoa, yerahhem ha-Shem. We ate
of it and when we did so it opened our minds to great
false lights and we were invaded by a plethora of
undesired spirits. And with great enthusiasm we danced
around the golden calf  and said to the Ten Emanated
SpherothThese are your gods, oh Israel, who have
brought you up from the land of Egypt’. Pray to them,
take hold of them in your spirit, and as you perform
the mitzvot, be sure to bind your intentions with the
Ten Emanated Divine Spheroth in the unity of kudshe
brich hu u-shechintei. 
gnomen 90 – Let us rejoice for all this will be gone.
Nothing of it will remain in the aftermath of the
Fourth Generation. Children, young students of the
Torah, will ask their father, “How did it happen? Why
did God punish Israel in such a terrible way? What was
Israel’s sin that it deserved such a devastating
Holocaust?” And the father will explain, “Israel fell
into an insidious idolatrous trap, and without knowing
it, went after other gods, as prophesied by Moses, our
teacher, ‘They sacrificed to demons, not God, to new
gods come recently, that their forefathers had not
evaluated’. A few illumined rabbis tried to warn them
but they refused to listen, until the conclusion of
that prophecy of their punishment in the hands of an
‘am naval’ – an evil and vile nation – Nazi Germany.’
gnomen 91 – “Israel’s terrible punishment, however,
became a sacrifice before God in favor of the chosen
people and He opened the way of the 100 year
messianic days’, a time of great confusion but also a
time of development and of great changes. After 35 
years of the State of Israel, the Tzadik Haim, born in
Sana Yemen, was chosen by God as the Final Goel. That
was the beginning of the descent of the Completed
Signs of the Final Redemption and that was the
beginning of ‘u-va le-tzion goel va-yashev pasha
mei-yaacov – ‘and the Goel came to Zion and turned
Israel away from its sin’. And after the Holy Wars
against the false kabbalah was won and accepted by all
Israel, then were they able to receive the Final
Redemption. ”. 